Wings Over the Rockies – Walk Among the Warbirds

Lowry, Colorado.

Continuing our visit to Colorado, our photographer friend, Fred Mast, recommended a stop at the Wings Over the Rockies Air Museum. Knowing my interest in aviation, Fred hit a bullseye on a great place to visit for aircraft afficionados. What better place for an aviation museum than on the grounds of the former Lowry Air Force Bace. From the late 1930’s to the early 1990’s, the airbase was a technical training center where among other skills, they trained photographers.

 The B-52 in the opening photo and the EA-6B Prowler in the photo above demonstrate the museum’s emphasis on military aircraft, however they included a handful of civilian aircraft and some flights of fancy as well. The EA-6B is on-loan from the National Naval Aviation Museum.

A particularly surprising aircraft on display is this model above, a 3/4 scale X-Wing fighter. If you look closely behind the raised canopy, you’ll see R2D2 in place and ready to travel the far reaches of the galaxies.

Lest We Forget: The Mission is a sulpture depicting a World War II mission briefing, attentive pilots getting the details from the briefer. In addition to permanent displays, the museum features limited time exhibits like this bronze memorial that honors, preserves and promotes the heritage of the American combat pilot.The gallery of images below features but a small sampling of the aircraft and other memorabilia on display at the museum. Click on an image below to enlarge it and to scroll through the gallery.

John Steiner




  1. What a great museum! Great shots, as somewhat of a Star Wars geek, I was stoked to see that ya’ got to see an X-wing. Nothing destroys a surprisingly fully armed battle station like an X-wing! 😉

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