Weekly Photo Challenge – Ooh, Shiny!

A beautiful ’57 Chevy restoration.

OK, so maybe I took this week’s photo challenge too literally. Andrea Badgley mentions that butterflies are her distraction and she drops everything to photograph one when she sees it. You can read her entire challenge post here. For me, distractions that capture my attention also happens to be actual shiny objects, and some not so shiny. If I am lucky enough to have a camera in hand when a classic car rolls by, you can bet I will stop what I’m doing and capture the image. No camera, and I have time to pull out my cell phone to grab a quick photo, I will snap a pic before the car disappears into the distance. I submit for your review, a small collection of shiny objects captured at a recent classic car event.

Corvette powerplant.
Classic Cadillac.
A handful of Mustangs (except for the white car).

John Steiner

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