Weekly Photo Challenge: Companionable

A school of dolphins playfully following our boat.

Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico

On our way back from an outing on the beach at Yalapa, Mexico; a school of dolphins came alongside and followed our boat for almost thirty minutes. These companions appeared to number about ten in total.

Capturing our seafaring companions in a photograph was a real challenge. Virtually every passenger on the boat had his or her camera at the ready or blindly snapping pictures. Even finding an open spot to shoot along the deck railing was difficult. After many attempts at catching one or two dolphins out of the water, I decided to set the camera on continuous. Capturing frames around 5 per second finally yielded several group shots. This one, I think, was the best of the lot.

John Steiner


    • True that! We also routinely saw dolphins skimming the wake of the cruise ship. They really appear to enjoy surfing the wake.

      I never had my camera with me when we saw them. I would have needed a good quality zoom to get a good photo from the 7th deck anyway. 🙂

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