Cellpic Sunday – 26 June 2016

“A rose by any  other name would smell as sweet.” These words came from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. This week’s Cellpic Sunday features a single blossom captured in an unlikely place. As I was signing in at the gym, I noticed the single rose sitting in a glass of water.Moving the glass away from the display of nutritional products to make it stand alone against the dark counter, I snapped the shot with my cellphone camera.

Lit by the natural light coming through a window on a cloudy day, the light reflected off the petals, gently highlighting the curves and ridges. The soft light emphasized the delicate structure of the petals and, for the first time in a Cellpic Sunday post, attempts at editing the image to improve it only resulted in a less perfect capture. This week’s Cellpic Sunday is completely unedited, transferred to an editor only to add the signature logo in the bottom left. The rule for Cellpic Sunday is simple. The image must be captured and edited using a mobile device.

John Steiner


  1. It is the East and Juliet is the sun… Haha, can’t remember a lot of Romeo & Juliet quotes but I do remember that one! The muted almost faded look of the flower makes it feel almost impressionistic, like a painting. Well played! 🙂

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