Lens-Artists Photo Challenge – Delicate Colors

This week, Ann-Christine asks us to share photos featuring delicate colors. She includes several examples of floral delicacies and a very nice delicate sky as an opening photo to her challenge. You can check out her examples here. Her opening photo immediately reminded me of a pastel sky that I’ve shared recently in another challenge response. Forgive me for resharing, but that Phoenix sunset is a prime example of how sunset skies can be delicate.

Looking through my gallery of sunsets, I happened upon two images capturing long pastel bands. Fortunately, the two images featured a shared border that allowed me to create a brand new panoramic image just for this post. This pastel sky was visible over the west edge of the White Tank Mountains near our home in Buckeye.

As the sun faded into the west, this view of the sky was captured to the east at the golf course near our house. It is a prime example that it’s a good idea to look behind you, even if you think the major attraction is in front of you.

Arizona doesn’t have a monopoly on pastel skies. The sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean at North Carolina’s Outer Banks Islands is a prime example.

No delicate challenge would be complete without the sharing of a pastel flower. This Mexican Primrose qualifies. Thanks again to Ann-Christine/Leya for this week’s challenge. If your browser supports the function, you can click on any image above to get a better view.

John Steiner



  1. All beautiful John, but my favorite is your pastel sky captured by looking behind you. It’s gorgeous and you’re absolutely right about looking behind

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