But I Digress – Looking Back at 2016 and Cellpic Sunday

At the start of a new year, it’s fun to look back at all the photos that were published here at Journeys with an eye toward sharing my favorite images. Obviously it is a matter of opinion as to the quality of these images, but for whatever reason, I’ve picked these images to share. Ironically, a couple of photos that belong on my favorites list were taken in 2016, but they aren’t scheduled to be published until this month or next. We’ll see if they pass muster and end up in the 2017 favorites gallery. The opening photo is of the Linnean House at the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis, Missouri. The gallery of images below features more of my favorite captures. Click on an image to enlarge it and to scroll through the gallery.

As it’s Sunday, it’s always Cellpic Sunday. Several of my favorite images were captured with a cellphone. They are identified by an asterisk in the description.

John Steiner


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