Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #196 – Humor

When on a cruise shore excursion, be sure to read the signs carefully.

This week, JohnRH of John’s Space guest hosts the challenge theme, Humor. Since I’ve been following John’s blog, I am not surprised that he would choose “Humor” as a photo topic. He writes, “Dig into your photo archives and find something humorous. (Please, nothing that might be injurious of anyone or anything, of course. WE, the collective Lens-Artists that we are, must retain our civility.)” You can read his entire challenge post and have a laugh or two at his sense of humor here.

My wife captured this opening photo. We were on Fanning Island, (native name Tabaurean). The island is a coral atoll that is part of the Republic of Kiribati. Our cruise ship spent the day anchored by the island and cruisers went ashore. Some native “warriors” were showing off their historical warring attire. I noticed that the prices had recently increased, you can see that on his reworked sign. I couldn’t help but ask for a non-typical photo and the gentleman complied with a smile on his face. Caption added in Photoshop Elements.


Even in Nicaragua, if you drive a colorful vehicle, you better follow local traffic laws or you might become an easy target for a ticket.

Grandson and his uncle comparing mouth sizes

My grandson Owen was born in 2010, a few months before this photo was taken. Owen’s aunt was holding him when his Uncle Josh and Owen had a moment together. Owen’s mom looks on.

The SPAM Museum in Austin Minnesota

Last year we visited Hormel Company’s SPAM Museum. The museum pokes a bit of fun at one of Hormel’s most popular products and relays the company’s history in the process. Here you can take a SPAM Can selfie to see how SPAM Tall you are. I particularly enjoyed the TV playing a continuous loop of Monty Python’s SPAM Sketch. If you are unfamiliar, here is a copy I found on YouTube.

The Beach at Grand Turk

“Let’s go to the beach,” she said. “It’ll be fun,” she said. Nope, not for me. This is what happens when too many cruise ships hit port at the same time.

T-Shirt on sale in a Mexican souvenir shop at Cabo San Lucas

Politics and political figures have always been a target for humor. When in Cabo San Lucas, we didn’t pass a souvenir shop that didn’t have one of these on display.

Bernie in Buckeye

I am an equal opportunity abuser. When the memes with Bernie became popular on social media, I felt obligated to create my own with Bernie sitting on the driveway in front of our house in Buckeye, Arizona.

Hike in Arches National Park, Utah

I conclude with this photo that I leave here without further comment. You can write your own joke.

You can pixel peep these images in 2K HD on my Flickr site here. Thanks again to JohnRH for providing a theme that will keep me laughing all week as I review the challenge responses from all of this week’s participants. Next week, it’s Patti’s turn. If you’d like to respond to the challenge but are wondering how you can find out, check here.

John Steiner


  1. I loved your selection! Especially the last few – the Trump t-shirt, the Bernie meme (I remember playing with those myself) and the last one of course 😆 The t-shirt reminded me of a cap I saw displayed in a coffee shop in Olympia WA not long after Trump was elected – it was red of course and had the slogan ‘Make America gay again’. I suspect Trump would NOT have found it so funny!

    • You are probably right about the red cap. 🙂
      Politicians are fair game for humor and satire. I am remembering an old saying, “If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.” 🙂

  2. Ha! GREAT selections! I like ’em all, particularly the quiet beach and spot-on t-shirt. Bernie looks cool (warm?) anywhere. I’m not even going to attempt a caption on that last one! 😂

  3. hahaha. Great job. My favorite was the warrior photo because he also looks like a gingerbread man.The beach photo brought back memories of when we lived in Spain. Their personal space was different then ours as Americans. The line was drawn where the towels ended so we made friends pretty quickly. lol. It was a tough walk to the water. I wonder what that spacing looks like now following covid.

    I will caption that last photo…Been there, done that. lol. Hope it doesn’t offend anyone. lol

    • Thanks! I think that warrior was in name only. He seemed to be quite the friendly guy. Of course, he works for tips. >grin<
      I'm not a fan of beaches anyway. I'm too Type A to sit around and soak up the sun. Besides… it's bad for my skin.

      • Yes. He looked like quite the entertainer.

        I like the beach, but like you I’ll sit out if it’s that crowded. Not too fun. The beach is supposed to be for reflection, and relaxing.

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