Lens-Artists Photo Challenge – Window With a View

This week, Amy asks us to share our photos featuring windows with a view. She writes, “Share with us photos you’ve captured through windows.” You can read her entire challenge post here.

In this post, I am going to mostly focus on the views to the inward side of the window, just to add a little “twist” to the challenge. Obviously, in most cases, windows have both an inward and an outward view. Maybe the opening photo is looking outward at the world… or is it looking inward at a staged display? The large window contains a view of one of the many beautiful (and very large) dioramas featuring natural scenes from around the world. The window is in several sections and has a couple of different angles so in order for me to get the entire image in one photograph, I had to use the panorama feature in Lightroom to merge several images. That accounts for the extra distortion in the photo. My wife, Lynn, is included in part to help the viewer gauge the size of this diorama at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.

The view from this window is more useful from the outside looking inward. The outside view is onto the street below this upstairs brothel (museum) in Skagway, Alaska. The red light in the window tells the person outside all that is needed to know about what used to go on inside.

A couple of years ago, I was exploring the River Walk in San Antonio and I noticed a young man standing on the interior window ledge looking at the view while immersed in conversation on his cell phone.

As it happened, this set of windows featured both the inside and outside views from one perspective. In the Blue Lagoon Coffee Shop on the Norwegian Pearl cruise ship, the windows displayed artistic representations of different color coffee beans behind the glass. The glass also happened to reflect a view of the cruisers enjoying their breakfast and morning coffee while taking in the ocean views.

A couple of years ago, our fitness center received a large amount of replacement exercise equipment, treadmills, new flooring, and other items that needed to be installed in the main workout areas which are on the second floor of the facility. It would seem that there are no freight elevators in the building. Apparently the easiest way to get the equipment to the second floor was by just taking out a window and using a large extendable fork lift to put the equipment upstairs.

In Boston, a Revolutionary War reenactor was having lunch at a local pub. I had forgotten that even with cell phone technology, the British still didn’t win the war. Apparently the actors are not supposed to be using anything that gives away their existence in current times. He appears to be trying to hide his cell phone underneath the palm of his hand, but a close examination in a photo processing program will give away the unmistakable outline of a cell phone hidden beneath his fingers.

This concludes my inward look at windows for Amy’s photo challenge. As usual, most browsers will allow you to click on an image to enlarge it for a better view.

John Steiner


  1. They’re wonderful photos and a creative take on the theme. The brothel window is my favourite, the contrast between the colourful hat, boa and lightbulb and the monochrome background paints a beautiful picture. The coffee bean pic is great.

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