Cellpic Sunday – 22 August 2021

West Fargo, North Dakota.

Eastbound and down… Why look, it’s a Missouri sheriff car, and beside the car is a Trans Am with a license plate that reads BAN 1… OMG… It’s the Bandit’s car, and Smoky just pulled up… Sure enough, it’s Buford T. Justice, window open, cigarette in his right hand on the steering wheel. Have I stepped into a time warp? A movie remake set?

Of course, I had to walk up to Officer Justice and ask, “Did you catch that sumbitch yet?”

He said, “I’m a-gainin’ on him.”

It was Cruise Night in West Fargo, with lots of classic cars to see, and plenty of friends to meet after missing cruise nights in 2020. The once-a-month occurrence throughout the summer was canceled all 2020 due to the pandemic, but this year, it’s back.

There were plenty of cars to see, but this recreation of two classic cars from the Smoky and the Bandit series was traveling the cruise night circuit. The night before, the cars were headed from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and with someone actually playing the part of Sheriff Justice, it added something extra to viewing movie car recreations that was definitely fun.

About the photo: The photo was a bit challenging with the low-hanging sun just off camera and the Sheriff behind a slightly tinted window, but my Samsung S20U gave me a good image to work with. My usual flow into Lightroom for cropping and basic tweaks, then into Luminar AI for final touch-up finished the image.

As of late, you can click on the image to view it in 2K HD on my Flickr site. If you then click on Buford’s face, you’ll get a closer view of the Missouri Sheriff.

I encourage fellow bloggers to create their own Cellpic Sunday posts. I never have a specific topic for this feature, and the only rules are that the photo must be captured with a cell phone, iPad, or another mobile device… If you have an image from a drone, that’s acceptable as well. The second rule is to link your challenge-response to this post or leave a comment here with a link to your post in the comment.

John Steiner


  1. You won’t believe this, JS, but I have never seen Smokey and the Bandit. I have just never been a big consumer of movies. As I write this, it has probably been about 15 years since I have been in a movie theater.

    • I spent probably 15-20 years skipping movies as well, but started going to the theater again about 10 years ago. Of course, we haven’t been to a theater since 2019, and with online access to movies, I may have again begun a long hiatus from the theater.
      I do love live plays and at some point, I’ll start going to our local live performances, when I feel more comfortable that the pandemic is in the rear view mirror.

    • It was, indeed. They had another cruise night last Thursday, but unfortunately, I didn’t have it on my schedule and I missed it. I think there is one more in September, then it will be next spring before I see another one. I better get it on my calendar!

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