Cellpic Sunday – 4 July 2021

Independence Day, 2021 at West Fargo, North Dakota.

This week’s Cellpic Sunday falls on the Fourth of July holiday for the United States of America. Given the drought and dry conditions throughout much of the country, I suspect the annual fireworks displays around the country may be curtailed to some degree especially in locations that could be susceptible to the wildfires that might be the result of a large pyrotechnic display.

Whether you have the benefit of a fireworks display or not, please accept my wish for a safe and happy Independence Day for those who celebrate the beginnings of our country’s independence.

Every few years, in West Fargo, North Dakota the Pyrotechnics Guild International held a demonstration that rotates around the country each year. Unfortunately for residents of the Fargo-Moorhead metro area, the West Fargo Fairgrounds is no longer suitable for this large display of fireworks from vendors around the country. There is too much new residential growth near the fairgrounds for the fireworks program to operate safely.

About the photo: This image was captured with my Samsung S7 on August 11, 2017. I let the camera operate in fully automatic mode and it did a nice job of setting the camera’s exposure to pick up not only the brightest dots, but to capture the more subtle light of the clouds of smoke from the flurry of rockets launched from the display area. I processed the image via Adobe Lightroom.

I encourage fellow bloggers to create their own Cellpic Sunday posts. I never have a specific topic for this feature, and the only rules are that the photo must be captured with a cell phone, iPad, or another mobile device… If you have an image from a drone, that’s acceptable as well. The second rule is to link your challenge-response to this post or leave a comment here with a link to your post in the comment.

John Steiner

Note: Last week’s Cellpic Sunday featured a mural being painted in response to the PPAC Challenge. That mural is now complete. If you’d like to check out the final mural, I’ve posted a photo of the completed mural at the bottom of the original post here.


      • I have one camera that seldom gets taken anymore. It is the camera I used to take when I wanted to be less conspicuous. What could be more inconspicuous than someone taking a cell phone “selfie.” >grin<

    • It is sad to see that our drought conditions are curtailing these celebrations around the country, though I suspect millions of dogs are more than happy for that. 🙂

  1. I’m definitely going to join this cellpic Sunday when I get back to Sunday Stills next week, John…I’m sorry I’m only learning about this! You are so right about the best camera is the one you have with you. Most of my photos are from cellpics these days! I hope you are enjoying your Independence Day!

    We had our first wildfire scare here in our new home of Nine Mile Falls, probably due to illegal fireworks coupled with the extreme heat and dryness. Enough to close the only road out of town South which delayed our Saturday evening dinner plans. After living in Sacramento for 35 years and enduring a firework stand on every corner, then listening to them and illegal FW for weeks in our former neighborhood, I hoped to get away from the noise once we moved here. Alas, illegal ones abound in our rural area, but thankfully after 10:30pm they miraculously stopped. You’d think the fire would have scared them. I have to sedate both my dogs each night as they panic at the booms! Sigh…

    • Fireworks can sure be a problem for dogs and people with PTSD. I feel sorry for them on these days around New Year and around the 4th of July.
      I’ll be looking forward to seeing your Cellpic responses.

  2. Happy Fourth of July long weekend. Nice photo, I always have trouble with the smoke from the fireworks which tends to cover the black sky which would allow a better contrast.

    • Thank you. I have my share of photos that get “spoiled” by too much smoke. That evening’s show happened to have a light breeze in just the right direction. I got several “keepers”.

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