Weekly Photo Challenge – Juxtaposition

The steeple of the Old South Meeting House where plans were laid for the American Revolution lies in the shadow of a modern glass and steel skyscraper.

Boston, MA

This week’s photo challenge left me searching my mind and my archives for something appropriate. From the challenge post: THIS WEEK, IN A POST CREATED SPECIFICALLY FOR THIS CHALLENGE, SHARE A PHOTO SHOWING JUXTAPOSITION.

I browsed through dozens of photos before I happened upon my collection of photos from Boston Massachusetts. It was there that I found a couple of examples. I submit for your consideration my entries in the photo challenge, Juxtaposition.

An actor dressed in revolutionary war period costume, sitting in an old Boston tavern converses on his cell phone.

These two photos I chose for your entertainment juxtaposes the old and the new. Please review these photos that compare the past to the present.

John Steiner



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