Cellpic Sunday – Sunset at Sea

Sunset at Sea.

Author’s Note: On the date of this publication, we are preparing to hit the road again to gather more material for sharing here. I may not be quite as responsive to comments and links until we return in about a month. I will read and respond to all comments as I always do.

Atlantic Crossing.

In March, we completed a transatlantic cruise from Rio de Janeiro to Barcelona. There were many beautiful days and nights at sea. One evening, after dinner, (we usually eat pretty early), we stepped out on the deck, attracted by a beautiful orange glow through the windows in the restaurant. We were almost at the end of the journey across the Atlantic and getting close to entering the Mediterranean Sea on our way to Barcelona. As the sun sunk below the horizon the sky exploded with color.

About the photo: One of the new tools I discovered when exploring the image processing tools of the Samsung S23 is the Remastering function. Other than straightening the horizon in Lightroom, the image above is only modified in the S23U photo Remaster process. I included the unretouched original image for comparison. Note that the orange tone is much stronger in the original. Truth is, I don’t remember which of the two images is more accurate. It was a very strong orange glow in the sky. The remastered image is a more pleasing glow so that’s the version I kept.

Original image.

If you like to pixel-peep, you can view both of these images in 2K HD on my Flickr site here. For more beautiful skies, check out Hammad Rais and his Weekend Sky theme. His latest post is here.

I encourage fellow bloggers to create their own Cellpic Sunday posts. I never have a specific topic for this feature, and the only rules are that the photo must be captured with a cell phone, iPad, or another mobile device… If you have an image from a drone or even a dashcam, that’s acceptable as well. The second rule is to link your challenge response to this post or leave a comment here with a link to your post in the comment. Oh, and, you don’t have to post it on a Sunday.

John Steiner


  1. Hi John,
    Hope to see more of that cruise as it’s one my husband has talked about doing. I have S22 and love the editing tools, especially the “erase object/shadows”, brilliant. Fantastic photo.

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