Weekly Photo Challenge – Fray

This week we are challenged to share a photo that says “fray” to us. From the Challenge post, “Share a photo of what “fray” means to you — it could be a tear in a favorite pair of jeans, a street rumble just about to begin, or a friend diving into an oncoming wave at the beach.” You can read the entire challenge post here. I submit for your approval my entries in this week’s photo challenge.

Looking in the dictionary, I found the term “fray” to have several meanings. I have chosen two images to represent two of the definitions of the word. In the image above, “fray” would be used to describe these hiking boots, worn thin, on their way to be worn out.

The other definition of “fray” I chose to represent in photo is “a competition or contest, quarrel or brawl, fight, battle or skirmish.” Last year, at the Arizona Renaissance Festival, a fray among several knights in competition draws participants into supporting one or another of the combatants. In the photo above, the two competitors both score direct hits on his opponent’s shield with their respective lances.

John Steiner


    • Thank you! Those were our previous sets of hiking boots, just off the trail from a 7-mile hike. 🙂 They were retired only a couple hike later with worn heels and soles.

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