Weekly Photo Challenge – Atop

This week, Cheri Lucas Rowlands asks us to head to the top to take our best shot. Of course, I had the option to go metaphorically on top, as in “on a soapbox”, functionally on top, as in “a bestseller list”, or physically on top. Scrolling through my gallery of images, I was struck by how many times I was physically on top of a viewpoint to capture a photograph. I’d love to say I am a climber and could make those tough journeys myself, however most of my journeys to the top are in some conveyance or another. Unlike the individual in the opening shot who worked to get to the top of the Grand Canyon, I took a car. Much easier. You can read the entire photo challenge post here.

This view from on top of South Mountain in Phoenix was earned. Though I could have driven up to Dobbins Point and parked in the large parking lot, this image was captured after hiking the Holbert Trail, a relatively short trail with a 1200-foot (366 m) rise to Dobbins Point. The image of the Phoenix downtown was brought closer with the aid of a telephoto lens.

 The view of Chattanooga, Tennessee is no less spectacular from atop Lookout Mountain, a strategic battleground site in the Civil War. The trip to the top is easier these days with modern automobiles, and those who want a unique perspective can ride the Incline Railway to the top.

There are many “Atop” views in Canyonlands National Park near Moab, Utah. No less spectacular than the view from the top, I’m sure, is the view from that road below that snakes along a narrow ridge. I will look from atop this viewpoint, thank you very much.

Another high point in Utah is Bryce Canyon. Our October trip surprised us with a fresh covering of snow. Though I have several views from Bryce Point at sunrise, one of my favorite shots is this view of a snow-covered plant that lives atop the canyon. If it only had eyes, it could see the beautiful view that surrounds it atop this scenic canyon rim.

John Steiner


  1. That last shot looks like hairs are growing out of the snow. But my favorite is of Chattanooga TN..

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