Weekly Photo Challenge – Joy

The joy of a carefree summer day

Itasca, MN

This week’s challenge is to show some joy in your image. I submit for your endorsement, “Joy.”

From the challenge post: “This week, let’s set ourselves up for a happy new year: share a photo that shows us JOY.”

As a hobbyist landscape photographer, I find I don’t have many photos of people or animals. This one was a hard challenge for me to find an appropriate image. I only found three candidates, one of two birds, and one of people enjoying a summer day. The third image, probably the best at meeting the challenge was too personal for me to share, a family photo that in deference to the subjects, I have decided to keep offline.

The joy of being with someone you love

My next blog post will not be until after the New Year holiday. In the spirit of the season, I conclude with this wish: May 2014 bring you and your family JOY! Happy New Year!

John Steiner



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