Cellpic Sunday – 9 July 2017

McAlester, Oklahoma.

At the junction of highways U.S. 69 and U.S. 270, there are a handful of cattle, two cowhands and a blue heeler on the hillside. How do I know they are still there? They are parts of an elaborate dyed concrete sculpture on the property of the McAlester campus of Eastern Oklahoma State College. The design, sponsored by Gary and Ruyana Fugitt, was created by Michael Booth, a sculptor from Pendleton, Oregon. Commissioned by the Fugitts in honor of Ruyana’s father, the art project was installed in 2009. You can read more about the sculpture here.

About the photo: This cellphone capture is sort of an overview of the multi-piece sculpture. Captured on my Samsung S7, and cropped to square format. The rule for Cellpic Sunday is simple. The image must be captured by a mobile device. Expect a more detailed post with a small gallery of images that provide more detail in the near future.

John Steiner


  1. Huh. The only Mcalester college I’ve ever heard of is McCallister college in ST. Paul. Though it’s a whiny liberal arts college that would never have a sculpture such as this… Great sculpture! Ranchers are unsung heroes in the states. It’s nice to see cows that have room to graze and lie down, unlike their factory farmed brethren.

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