Weekly Photo Challenge – Peek

Moorhead, Minnesota.

This week, Michelle Weber asks us to “share a peek of something – a photo that reveals just enough of your subject to to get us interested.” You can read her entire challenge post here. This wood carving of a monk is one of many carvings that are located in an edifice that  will be featured in next week’s Travel Tuesday post here at Journeys with Johnbo.

In the October 31, 2017 edition, we visited the Hjemkomst Center and focused our camera upon dreamer and visionary Robert Asp’s creation, a replica Viking ship. Hjemkomst would eventually sail the Great Lakes, the seaways to the Atlantic Ocean and then across the Atlantic all the way to Norway. If you missed that post, you can find it here.

The November 7, 2017 Travel Tuesday features another dreamer’s project. Like Hjemkomst, the carving above and all the others that make up just a part of next week’s feature exist because of Guy Paulson’s skills and abilities as a wood carver. Like Robert Asp, he built a replica from his heritage and after a year of construction, donated his creation to the City of Moorhead. In most browsers, if you click on the image above, it will enlarge and display on a darker background.

John Steiner



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