Weekly Photo Challenge – Family

Tabuaeran, Republic of Kiribati

This week, we are challenged to share photos relating to “family.” Of course, the traditional family is that which first comes to mind. But there are many families, both human, plant and animal, as I have already seen from other submissions to the photo challenge this week. From the challenge, “THIS WEEK, IN A POST CREATED SPECIFICALLY FOR THIS CHALLENGE, SHARE A PHOTO SHOWING FAMILY.”

I submit for your appraisal, my entries in this week’s FAMILY challenge.

A few years back, a Hawaiian cruise on Norwegian Cruise Line would take you on a side trip about 1200 miles due south of the Hawaiian island of Kauai to the island of Tabuaeran. Also known as Fanning Island, Tabuaeran is part of the island Republic of Kiribati. If you are curious why a Hawaiian cruise would include such a side trip, see a previous post in my blog here.

On the weekly trip to the island, many, if not all, of the resident families on the island were on hand to greet the cruise ship guests. Each of the family members apparently had their duties with the guests. Artisans manned tables filled with handmade trinkets. Those who could sing or dance greeted the tourists first with a song when they arrived, and later during simple stage productions. Young men dressed in ancient warrior dress and posed for photos with guests. Fresh coconuts with top cut open and straws inserted were sold to the tourists, for many tourists, it would be their first taste of “coconut milk.”

The photos for my submission in this challenge focus on the family of “main stage” performers as they await their turn at a performance.

Unfortunately Tabuaeran is no longer on NCL’s cruise itinerary and few cruise ships stop there these days. There is still the occasional cruise ship that stops there, thanks in part to NCL having left some of their infrastructure there to support guests from a cruise ship. Facebook members interested in Fanning Island can find out more information on a Facebook page, “Save Tabuaeran“.


John Steiner


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