Weekly Photo Challenge – Layers

By nature, people find comfort in organizing items into layers. This week’s photo challenge is to share a photo which means LAYERS to me. This marketplace in Mazatlan offers fruits and vegetables in layers, nicely stacked and organized. I couldn’t resist including some other examples of layers, manmade and natural. Herewith, please enjoy my submission for this week’s photo challenge, Layers.

This observation post at Dobbins Lookout on South Mountain in Phoenix was constructed with layers of stone.

The Colorado River cut through the Grand Canyon revealing the layers of rock strata slowly exposed through the millennia.

Natural layers aren’t always horizontal, as demonstrated in this photo of sandstone, layered by centuries of wind and water erosion.

A natural “breaker” of sandstone, layered vertically, demonstrates that so-called solid objects can take on the appearance of motion due to the actions of erosion.

These two final images were taken near the Colorado River at Page, Arizona, just a short distance from the Glen Canyon dam.

John Steiner



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