Weekly Photo Challenge – Scale

The climbers on the rock outcropping help to demonstrate the immense scale of the Grand Canyon.

Our challenge this week is to demonstrate the use of scale in your images. From the challenge post: This week, play with scale. Insert something into a scene to highlight size: your two-year-old in a field of flowers. A dime next to the huge cinnamon roll you picked up at the bakery. You can view the challenge post here.

One of my challenges when I’m out shooting landscapes is to try to cram the giant three-dimensional scenery into a tiny camera sensor and give the eventual viewer an idea of the subject’s actual size. The easy way out is to include people or recognizable objects in the shot. The relative size of the subject to the inclusion is really helpful in establishing the relative size of the subject. I submit for your approval, a small gallery of images that contain a reference to scale. Click on an image to enlarge it and to scroll through the gallery.


John Steiner


  1. That guy in the green shirt is brave! Looks like he could fall off right into the canyon. Great shot, John.

    • Thanks, Karen. There are actually two guys sharing that viewpoint. The other guy is mostly hidden by the rock the guy in the green shirt is sitting on. It appears the ledge is pretty small, but I think the ledge is larger than it appears from this angle. I’ve got another shot where one of the guys is taking a photo of the other guy. No matter, they both have more stamina and guts than I to have made the climb to this outcropping.

  2. I recently read a book about all of the people who have died falling into the canyon – pretty amazing isn’t it?! Loved your examples John but of course you can’t beat anything with the glorious canyon in it!

  3. Great examples of scale, John. Well illustrated by having your wife next to the cactus, otherwise you’d never know how tall they are. The Grand Canyon is another challenge and your shot is terrific.

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