Weekly Photo Challenge – Wanderlust

Tabuaeran, Republic of Kiribati.

A coral atoll in the Pacific Ocean, also known as Fanning Island, is my weekly photo challenge submission. This week, David W. asks that we share a photo that represents travel. You can read the entire challenge post here.  A late April snowfall here in Fargo had me thinking of warm breezes and tropical weather. I’m not much of a world traveler, preferring instead to travel mostly in the United States. Our first visit to Hawaii to cruise the islands also included an almost 1300 mile side trip to Fanning Island, due south of Hawaii. The reason for the sidetrip is steeped in United States Maritime Law. None the less, we enjoyed our day on Fanning Island. More images of the island are in the gallery below, and you can also visit my original post that features more on our visit there.


John Steiner

One comment

  1. Crazy y’all are still getting snow! That weather came here too… In the form of a thunderstorm. Always nice to look back at pictures of paradise!

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