Weekly Photo Challenge – Letters

The clock at the original Fargo train depot told travelers the name of the town and gave them a current time reference to the train’s schedule.
This clock still displays accurate time to the visitors to the converted depot which is now a senior center.

Fargo, ND

This week we have been challenged to show a photograph featuring lettering. You can read the specifics of the challenge here. The focus of the challenge is in showing how the letters communicate their beauty as well as in their function of providing a description. Awhile back, I took a walk along Broadway in Fargo. This downtown “main street” is a cornucopia of businesses, shops and city buildings. Just looking at the collection of photos I shot along that walk gave me so many challenge options that I decided to make this collection a gallery and share them all with you. Any one of these images reflects the beauty of the varied typefaces popular in different eras while at the same time providing the function of communication.

I submit for your critical acclaim (or not), my gallery of Letters. Click on any one of the images to view and scroll through them in a larger size.

John Steiner


  1. The Fargo Theatre Sign is iconic, yes? When I saw it for the first time (a couple of weeks ago at the blogger/writer conference), I felt compelled to snap a photo. I also saw the train depot, Hotel Donaldson, Pinch and Pour, and lots of other stuff. My first trip to Fargo was so awesome!

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