Cellpic Sunday – Vegas, Baby!

Even the pros have bad days

Las Vegas, Nevada.

In a story to be published later this year, I will share some pics and interesting experiences on a trip to Vegas in March 2022. We don’t go to Vegas a lot, but it’s only a 4.5-hour drive from Buckeye and we would be meeting my niece and her husband there for a few days.

They like to stay at the Main Street Station hotel which is downtown and just a block or so from the Freemont Experience. For those who are unfamiliar, several blocks of Freemont Street are covered with a large video display.

Freemont Experience video display

If you walk the five blocks at the western end of Freemont Street, you’ll pass casinos, shops, restaurants, and plenty of buskers who entice you to stop and drop a few bucks while you watch their outdoor shows. But this story is about that giant display that runs over the top of the pedestrian mall. As you can see in the image above taken during the day, directly underneath the giant screen is even a zipline. I included the daytime image to give you a better perspective as pedestrians walk the mall.

About the photo: The real point of this post is the opening photo. Every evening, a music video plays on a rotating schedule. It is usually graphics mixed with videos of the performers singing or whatever. One evening we were walking the mall with the nightly performance underway. I noticed a familiar sight in the middle of the video screen. Yes, that’s a standard Microsoft error dialog box. It’s an unhandled exception error from the Microsoft.NET Framework.

I captured the image with my Samsung S20U. Then I rotated the image in processing so that you could more easily read the error message. It would appear that the Freemont Experience program is completely automated with no one monitoring the display for such errors. The dialog box remained on the giant screen for the entire presentation.

Processing the brightly colored images was very simple. I didn’t even bother with the tweaks that I often make in Luminar, just adjusting the basic image controls in Adobe Lightroom to improve contrast and clarity.

I encourage fellow bloggers to create their own Cellpic Sunday posts. I never have a specific topic for this feature, and the only rules are that the photo must be captured with a cell phone, iPad, or another mobile device… If you have an image from a drone or even a dashcam, that’s acceptable as well. The second rule is to link your challenge response to this post or leave a comment here with a link to your post in the comment.

John Steiner


    • I understand that sentiment. We do like to go to people watch, and we do drop a few bucks in slot machines, but that’s the extent of our gambling.
      Quiet Easter around here. We met our daughter and her family at a nearby restaurant for brunch.

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