Weekly Photo Challenge – Close up (2)

Fargo, North Dakota

I thought I’d throw in an additional Photo Challenge entry this week. Over the weekend, Fargo played host to a world-class air show. The main attraction was the Blue Angels high performance flight team. I burned up a lot of bytes on my photo hard drives to capture a wide collection of images from the show.

This challenge photo shows two pilots in tight formation. I was curious how much detail I could see in the cockpit if I use a really tight crop. Here are the image details: Nikon D7000; Tamron 18-270 mm zoom; Shutter priority at 1/1000 sec. metered at f/6.3; ISO-200.

The Tamron isn’t my sharpest lens, but it is my longest zoom. Though the Lightroom crop demonstrates a certain lack of sharpness, one can clearly see the lead pilot (upper) is looking forward and the wingman is looking to the right, directly at the lead aircraft.

In an upcoming post, I will feature a gallery of images from the Blue Angels Demonstration Flight Team’s appearance in Fargo. You can review the original photo challenge details here.

John Steiner



  1. […] SetA Ladybird and Chillies 4otomoWeekly Photo Challenge : Close Up The View InsideSummertime Journeys with JohnboWeekly Photo Challenge – Close up (2) More 2 ExploreWeekly Photo Challenge – Close Up Lardeau Valley TimeUp close and Personal […]

    • On the Blue Angel post from this week, I show the original image as it existed in the camera. A 16-megapixel image can take a lot of cropping and still produce an acceptable photo, if not tack-sharp. A kilobuck lens would have given me that tack-sharp image above. #FirstWorldProblems.

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