Weekly Photo Challenge – Rise/Set

Buckeye, Arizona.

After a four-day road trip to Las Vegas where I captured over a thousand images, I sat down this morning and remembered I haven’t yet entered this week’s photo challenge. This week, Erica V. asks us to share our favorite sunrises and sunsets. You can read her entire challenge post here. Regular readers know that I have a favorite sunset spot in the Arizona desert near our house. Though I’m sure most of you are bored with seeing my favorite sunsets, a challenge is a challenge. I’ll keep the number small. This gallery only contains five images, a mere handful. On most browsers you can click on an image in the gallery to enlarge it and to scroll through each photo.

John Steiner


    • Truth be told, I almost always bracket my shots in case I want to create an HDR or want to be sure I have a good exposure to work from. Only about 350 photos total to review. 🙂

  1. Whaaat, whaaaaat? A pic of a camera taking a pic, boom! Mind blown! Once again you’ve rendered me jealous of the photogenic nature of your vistas…

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