Weekly Photo Challenge – Shadowed

Albuquerque, New Mexico

This week we are challenged to experiment with shadows. From the challenge post:

For this week’s Photo Challenge, find the shadows. You can choose a literal interpretation and shoot an actual shadow, or you can play with the light and dark, and create a moody scene, or capture your subject in a rich and interesting way.

You can view the entire challenge post here.

This week, my wife and I have been traveling to our winter home in the Phoenix area. A couple of days ago, we stopped at Albuquerque to sample some of the unique photographic experiences New Mexico has to offer. This week’s challenge gave me an idea. For today, we planned a trip to the top of Sandia Peak, over 10,000 feet (3048 m) via the Sandia Peak Tram. In an upcoming post, I will share some of those images with you.

Though it was clear on the way to the top, by the time we were ready to head back down the mountain, low clouds started to envelope the area. It was then I decided to twist the challenge a bit, taking a few landscape shots where the terrain is just coming out of the shadow of the clouds. The experiment wasn’t as successful as I’d hoped, but I believe these two samples meet the goal of the challenge. I submit for your evaluation my take on the weekly photo challenge, “Shadowed.”

John Steiner


  1. Awesome photos, John. I’ve been on that tram, though the day we rode it was clear. It must be a little creepy with the fog.

    • We lucked out in that it was clear on thee trip up. Though on the other side of the mountain, there was a huge layer below. What was really cool was watching the clouds roll in at the top level of the tram. It was a spooky, old British movie feel. On the way down through the cloud layer, it was an eerie ride.

  2. when its clear an breezy sandia is an awesome spot to fly hangliders an paragliders also…
    yep…although too eerie a day to fly on days like u visited though.. keep on keepin on an have a splendid 2015 😎 Q

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