Cellpic Sunday – 6 May 2018

Pelican Rapids, Minnesota.

This week’s Cellpic Sunday is a few hours late. This weekend we had a SAREx, a Civil Air Patrol term for a Search and Rescue Exercise, a rehearsal for when our wing might be called to prosecute a missing person or downed aircraft search. As a result, I was a bit busy last week in the planning stages. What does that have to do with the above image? Nothing, actually, other than being my excuse for not having this posted already.

Last week, on my Facebook page where I share a daily image, the theme was #Cellpics Redone. They are older images that were captured when I was first getting back into photography and when I started posting cell phone photos. With new software photo processing tools and more experience, I decided to rework some of those older images to share on Facebook. If you’d like to see my daily image share on Facebook, you can go to my page here and “like” and/or “follow” it.

About the photo: The above image is a photo captured in June 2013. It was in a friend’s 1947 Piper Cub (PA-11 for those who care about specifics). My friend and I were seeing the sights and practicing take-offs and landings on the lakes. At the time, the plane was equipped with floats and in Northern Minnesota, the land of 10,000 lakes, there were plenty of lakes for us to choose from. This is a view of Maplewood State Park and some of the nearby lakes.

John Steiner

One comment

  1. Once a dude showed up at our house with aerial pics of our house… It was just after we moved here but just before N’s Bday, so I got her one. Anywhooo… I wonder how much money there is in doing that sort of thing.

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