Weekly Photo Challenge – Trio

Medora, North Dakota.

This week, Cheri Lucas Rowlands asks us to share an image reflecting this week’s photo theme, Trio. You can read the specifics of her post here. Coincidently, this morning before receiving the challenge email, I posted an image to my twitter feed reflecting today’s Travel North Dakota’s #PhotoFriday theme, North Dakota Wildlife.

When I saw the theme of the week features a trio, I realized I’d hit some kind of two-for-one jackpot. This stallion, mare and their colt are feral horses that live in North Dakota’s Theodore Roosevelt National Park. The photo was originally posted among other wildlife and landscape photos featured here.

By the way, I love Monument Valley, and I love to watch the old John Ford movies that were shot there. I bring this up because the photo featured in Ms. Rowland’s challenge post features the three bluffs most prominently featured in images of Monument Valley; The Mittens and Merrick’s Butte. I couldn’t resist including one of my favorite images taken from a similar viewpoint to her photo. After taking the photo a few years ago, I changed it to a sepia-toned black-and-white image.



John Steiner



    • Thanks. I was lucky they were looking in my direction. There was a larger group of horses very near where I was standing. I suspect they were looking at the rest of the herd. 😀

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