Cellpic Sunday – 7 January 2018

Horace, North Dakota.

On Christmas Day, we were visiting with family and friends at their home in Horace. As sunset approached, I saw that the sun was casting a golden glow on the snow. It was about 8 below zero F. (-22 C.) at 4 PM, about the time when this photo was captured. Though cold, at least the wind was light. The bonus was that I didn’t have to go outside to capture the image. Their view of the sunset from the living room is as good as it gets.

About the photo: Captured with my Samsung S7 at f/1.7; 1/600 sec. ISO-50. If your browser supports it, you can click on the image to enlarge it. If you do, you’ll see lots of bright spots in the shadows between the car and the shadow of the tree. Those spots of light are something I have never noticed before in an image. The thin branches are not solid enough to shield the ground from the sun completely. The rule for Cellpic Sunday is simple. The image must be captured on a mobile device.

John Steiner


  1. Hahaha we took that weather home with us & then just to make sure we couldn’t be outdone… We went to Chicago in January. Something I long ago promised myself I would never do again. I should’ve remembered. We even ate hotel food. The horror.

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