Weekly Photo Challenge – Favorite Place

Buckeye, Arizona.

This week, Cheri Lucas Rowlands asks us to share our favorite place. She writes, “…share an image of your happy place, a secret spot you love, or a faraway location you return to again and again.” You can read her entire challenge post here. Truth be told, I have several places that I seek out to reflect and reset. My original thought was to put together a gallery of favorite places. I decided instead to keep it simple. Every winter I am drawn to the desert. If I’m lucky and blessed with a wet winter, the reward is a desert garden of wildflowers. But, flowers or no, I always enjoy a hike in the desert. Like my friend in the image above, it’s a time to get a bit of exercise, recharge, and visit with our friends who enjoy hiking as well.

As this is being written, it will be less than three weeks before we leave Arizona behind and head back north. In most browsers, you can click on the image to enlarge it for better viewing.

John Steiner


    • Thank you! Before considering retirement locations, Arizona never came to my attention as a possibility. A chance visit with a colleague about the state caused me to consider what I now think of as my second home. Sure beats the winters in my first home in North Dakota! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

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