Cellpic Sunday – 7 July 2019

Buckeye, Arizona.

Thinking about Arizona as I write this. Of course, on the 2nd day of summer when I am writing this post, and on 7 July, the date of publication here, I’m happy I’m not in the Arizona desert right now. Nonetheless, I do think about our hiking friends there, those who spend the summer and those who, like us, head back to cooler climates during the summer months. In the last few years a new park, Skyline, opened up near our house there. I’ve taken many photos of that park since it opened and the trails there are still being developed. I will have even more photo opportunities in the coming years.

About the photo: This view is near the top of Quartz Mine Trail and looks south over the majority of the city of Buckeye. Though it’s hard to make out the details in this photo captured on my Samsung S7 phone, that long, very thin horizontal line that bisects the photo is the I-10, about a mile north of our house. The mountain partially hidden by the tree on the left is Estrella Mountain, another place where Lynn and I have logged many miles on those hiking trails. As always, the rule for Cellpic Sunday is simple, the image must be captured on a mobile device.

John Steiner


    • Coincidentally, just working on this week’s photo challenge so you and your colleagues are on my mind. It will be ready for you on Thursday, as usual. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the compliment!

  1. I have no idea how hot it is in AZ right now but it’s definitely miserably hot here, rarely falling below mid to high 90’s & 70 plus percent humidity… Yuck.

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