Lens-Artists Photo Challenge – Serenity

At Sea.

This week, Tina Schell poses a challenge of serenity. She asks, “What is it that helps you to find serenity in the face of growing chaos?” Her challenge post finds serenity in and along the eastern edge of the United States in sites discovered on a trip to Maine and around the island of Kiawah off the coast of South Carolina. You can visit her challenge post here.

In recent years, I’ve found myself on cruise ships bound for new and interesting places to visit. I have only had the opportunity to cruise on two of the world’s oceans, those that border the American continents and their tributary seas. Though the sea can be rough and unforgiving, when the ocean is calm, it projects that serenity upon me. Sitting on the deck, I can find myself quite happy to enjoy the sunset or watch the birds fishing while contemplating how far they flew from shore to be where we are. Sunsets are the most magical time for me. My challenge response features ocean views when the Goddess of the Seas is serene. In the opening image, the shore of the coral atoll, Tabuarean invites visitors to stop and stay awhile.

About 1200 miles north of that coral atoll, a sidewalk along the shore on the island of Kauai, Hawaii invites a seaside stroll. Kealia Beach is a popular destination for beach bums, and it is but a short distance from this walkway.

Moving north and east to the western shores of the American continent, Glacier Bay National Park provides its own version of serenity, as long as you don’t mind being warmly dressed for the cool breezes off the water. Though the above images were captured at midday, my favorite times are at sunrise and sunset. I present for your review a gallery of images featuring a few of my favorite sunset and sunrise views.

John Steiner


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