Weekly Photo Challenge – Grid


This week, Michelle W. asks us to make the grid a focal point of our images. From the post, “We often superimpose a mental grid over the things we photograph to help with composition. This week, let’s go literal.” You can view the entire challenge post here.

In the image above, there are two different grids. The cruise ship’s balcony suites and promenade deck (with the lifeboats) present two grids. The ship is in a lock in the Panama Canal. The lock itself in the foreground also has a grid layout. You can view more photos of our trip through the Panama Canal here.

If you take a walk along the Freedom Trail in Boston, Massachusetts, you’ll come to a plaza where almost all of the buildings that ring the plaza present a grid structure in architecture. You can view more photos of Boston and the Freedom Trail here.

In Mazatlan, Mexico, the shops display their wares. This shop sells colorful clothing, the lower rack of dresses and blouses are displayed over a metal grid. The upper display is of collection of tapestries designed with screen printed cloth. You can view more images of Mazatlan here, here and here.

Finally, a collection of branches in a knotted tangle of trees frame a little green lizard living in luxury on a Hawaiian beach. I have several posts about Hawaii, one of the most popular features the beaches on the island of Kauai. You can put yourself on the beach in photos here, or use the search function on the upper right for Hawaii and see the entire list of posts about Hawaii.

Thanks for stopping by and taking a quick tour of grids.

John Steiner


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