Lens-Artists Photo Challenge – Precious Moments

This week Amy encourages us to consider and share precious moments that may have occurred before or after the pandemic. She writes, “We invite you to share your own precious moments captured while traveling, during the holidays, and/or while spending time with your family and friends.” You can read her entire challenge post here. My challenge-response contains a couple of my personal images that are in my own precious memories. I start with an image that is from December 2016, our daughter Carrie and grandson Owen settled down for a short read before bedtime.

Coincidentally, my second image share is six years earlier to the day, December 22, 2010. It’s grandson Owen’s first Christmas, his mom, Carrie, on the left. Aunt Nichole looks on as Uncle Josh and Owen compare mouth sizes.

On the island of Tabaueran (British name: Fanning Island), locals perform for a cruise ship audience while a young dancer holds his brother as he waits backstage for his turn to perform.

At a group meeting of enthusiasts who fly model aircraft by control wire rather than radio, a mother introduces her son to the hobby. Obviously, the two are enjoying this precious moment.

Thanks to Amy for this week’s challenge! It gave me an opportunity to review my personal photos and I even reprocessed some images that I will share with my family at an appropriate point in the future.

John Steiner



  1. Thank you for sharing these precious moments and memories with us. I love the first image especially. The expression of the young boy of the second one is precious.

  2. Nothing beats those wonderful walks down memory lane with the little ones John. A scrapbooker from the very beginning, I maintain the family archives. With 4 brothers, all with children and grandchildren – it’s no small task! Thank goodness for online photography books or I’d have to build an extension on the house 😀. beautiful memories, thanks for sharing them

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