Breezy Point – A Whiz Bang Place to Stay

Breezy Point, Minnesota.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve shared a couple of Cellpic Sunday images I grabbed during a short stay at Breezy Point Resort in northern Minnesota. As I was there to attend a conference, I didn’t have a lot of time to take photos, but I did head out in the evening for a short walk, and then rose early hoping for a high quality sunrise. Though the high clouds obscured a spectacular sunrise, the golden tones of the golden hour shone through to make the images appear more fall-like than early spring. The photo above is an example. The dock I stood upon was right outside the door to our hotel room. There were no boats around and they really don’t get into full swing until Memorial Day approaches.

The resort has an interesting genesis going back to the 1920’s. A wealthy publisher decided to build a large resort hotel on the west side of Pelican Lake, just outside the town of Pequot Lakes and about 30 minutes north of Brainerd, Minnesota. “Captain Billy” Fawcett also built a large home there. By large, I mean 11 bedrooms and 9 bathrooms. Today, you can rent the house and invite all of your favorite relatives to stay with you.

The lodge, with its imposing two-sided fireplace in the lobby, became an attraction for the rich and famous friends of Wilfred Hamilton Fawcett, publisher of Whiz Bang Magazine. A Captain in the U.S. Army during World War I, Fawcett picked up the nickname “Captain Billy.” Whiz Bang Magazine became a financial success by featuring jokes and funny stories and gave him the financial ability to build the resort. Celebrities from Jack Dempsey to Clark Gable spent some time at the resort in Captain Billy’s day. These days the resort is owned by by an established corporation and many acres were added along with condominium buildings and since 1981, an addition of a timeshare program. When you get tired of the views from the lake, they have three golf courses, four restaurants and several other amenities for guests.

My last morning there, I rose early, even before the coffee house opened. I stopped at the front desk to inquire about getting a cup of that morning elixir, black, no sugar. She pointed me at the breakfast restaurant, not yet open for their Sunday buffet. A request to the hostess on duty brought me a steaming cup of joe. No charge. I savored the smell knowing that it was below 40 degrees F. (4 degrees C) outside. Freshly warmed by the coffee, Nikon D500 in hand, I headed out about 15 minutes before my smartphone told me it would be sunrise. The gallery of images below feature a few of my favorite sunrise shots as well as some shots taken as the sun set the evening before.


  1. Gorgeous views! Well played, we go to Pequot Lakes just about every year and never thought to explore outside of it… I even have a cousin in law (I think that’s the relation anyway) who works here. Huh? I’ll have to check it out, sometime. Though we’re usually there in the winter sooo, there’s that. Hahaha Tell your constant companion happy birthday for us!

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