Cellpic Sunday – 20 November 2016

Fargo, North Dakota.

As this post is being auto-published by WordPress, I should be tucked in bed sleeping in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We will have been travelling since last Sunday, leaving Fargo early on November 13, headed eventually for our winter home in Buckeye, Arizona.  As we are going to be on the road, I decided to scroll through my cellphone gallery to look for a photo to feature for Cellpic Sunday. I am writing this on November 12, and we are getting packed up to head south. It normally doesn’t take a week to get to Albuquerque, however we are planning a diversion to Colorado to gather some more photography for future posts.

But I digress from the discussion of the photo above. This photo features a view of downtown Fargo’s iconic theater sign taken at dusk. Captured in mid-September, the leaves on the tree in the foreground haven’t started to turn yet. We’ve had a beautiful fall in Fargo and we are looking forward to fair weather for our next few days of travel.

About the photo: This image was captured on a Samsung S7 cellphone. The sky looks much brighter in the image than I remember from the day of the capture. This is a testament to the light-gathering ability of the camera software. For you photo techies, the shot was captured at f/1.7 for an exposure of 1/40 second, ISO-800. Even handheld at a slow shutter speed, there isn’t any hint of motion blur. As you can see, looking carefully at the sky, there is a hint of sensor noise which was actually exacerbated by my editing software. I could have used Lightroom to minimize the noise, but that would have broken the rule for Cellpic Sunday (see below). Of course, sometimes I do break the rule, but in this case, I like the effect. I left the image as edited directly on the S7. The rule for Cellpic Sunday is simple. The image must be captured and edited on a mobile device.

John Steiner


  1. If your picture is representative of Fargo, it must be a delightful city. I always enjoy your Sunday cellpics, John. Maybe I could make better use of my iPhone camera. I also like the little FB icon at the top of your page. Did you create it or is it available somewhere?

  2. Great pic! It should be added to the library of iconic Fargo pics! So funny how that movie has made everyone associate Fargo with murders that actually took place in Minnesota… I suppose it marketed better as a movie made in the state where there’s a slang city called murderapolis.

    • Sorry to take so long to reply. Been traveling and are just settling in to our place in Arizona. The Facebook piece comes directly from a tool built into WordPress. I simply selected it from the list of available tools. It ties my wordpress page to my facebook photo page.

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