Weekly Photo Challenge – Twist

“Let him twist slowly, slowly in the wind.”

John Ehrlichman to John Dean (Referring to Watergate era FBI Director, L. Patrick Gray)

This week we are challenged to share a photo with a twist. It could be a natural twist, a manmade twist, a twist of fate, or even a dance move. From the challenge post: “This week, share a photo of something that says “twist” to you. It might be that perfect ice cream cone, a yummy bit of liquorice, or something unexpected that surprised, shocked, or startled you.” To read the original challenge post, click here. I submit for your helical interpretation, a couple of twisted examples.

The photo above demonstrates a manmade twist with a purpose. An aircraft propeller is twisted to provide the most aerodynamic forward thrust possible. A physicist would mention that the tip of the propeller travels much faster than the root. This conclusion should seem obvious for anyone who watches any type of racing around a circular or oval track. Allowances are made in starting position or lane transitions so that each competitor travels the same distance. The twist of a propeller is engineered to provide the maximum forward thrust at any point along the length of the prop. I captured this collection of propellers at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum.

Natural twists in plants, especially trees, are relatively commonplace. One of my favorite images of a twisted tree trunk was taken last fall on one of the beaches on the island of Kauai, Hawaii.

One more spiral thought. You may remember the 1984 rock anthem, “We’re Not Gonna Take It,” by the heavy metal band, Twisted Sister.

John Steiner


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