Weekly Photo Challenge – Treat

Our Mexican treat is described in the article.

Huatulco, Mexico.

In this week’s photo challenge, Jen H. asks us to share an image reflective of our season of Halloween. You can read about this week’s challenge here. Treats are a staple of Halloween, but they aren’t exclusive to October’s holiday.  The snack pictured in my challenge entry consisted of a tortilla chip with a spoonful of chocolate sauce, some cheese, a spice, and a spoonful of grasshopper parts. It was an OK treat, but I think the next time I am offered, I will pass. Watching my diet you know.

In 2013, my wife, Lynn, and I took a cruise through the Panama Canal from Miami to Los Angeles. One of the stops was Huatulco. At the stop, we visited a factory that bottles Mescal, essentially tequila manufactured from a different location than the location in Mexico where tequila can only be manufactured. You can read about the excursion to Huatulco here. Search for the category “cruising” in the sidebar to view images from our other cruise activities.

John Steiner


  1. Oh my John – you’ve hit on one of my most special treats. I absolutely LOVE good Mexican food which isn’t so readily available here in SC. I always treat myself when we visit my brothers in Arizona and Colorado!

  2. Sounds challenging! Reminds me of the time my buddy got me to try pho… with beef stomach. Taste: meh, texture: blah. I too will try to avoid that particular treat in the future.

    • When I took my spoonful of insect parts, I was careful to include only the smallest of parts, mostly legs. I know I didn’t get the taste of anything representing the flavor of the meat.

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