3D Thursday – The Old Mine at Goldfield

Goldfield, Arizona.

A true-life ghost town near Apache Junction draws large crowds daily. In the morning shadows of the Superstition Mountains, the ghost town thrives on the tourists who come the relatively short drive from Phoenix, Mesa and other nearby cities. 

One of the major attractions of the ghost town is the Goldfield Mine Tour. The 25-minute tour brings you underground and back in time to over a century ago. Today’s 3D image features an old outhouse sitting next to a box of explosives ostensibly for use in the nearby mine. Tourists walk by these “artifacts” on their way to the mine entrance. Tour guides on the mine tour share the history of the mine, mining processes and mining equipment of the day. The ghost town’s trip advisor rating is 4 stars, and a good day’s family entertainment. My wife and I have brought guests to visit the ghost town on a couple of occasions. You can read more about one of our earlier visits on my blog here.

John Steiner


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