Cellpic Sunday – 22 September 2019

Costa Rica.

An enigma wrapped in a mystery. That’s what this photo is. The date stamp from my cellphone indicates the image was captured at 5:18 PM. It’s obviously a sunset so we must therefore have been looking to the west. Here’s the enigma. We were on our way to transit the Panama Canal. The other images captured on that date were all of Costa Rica. We docked at Puntarenas that day. This image was captured as we departed toward our date the next morning with our Panama Canal transit. We were on the west side of Costa Rica in the Pacific Ocean. So, how could there be a land mass to the west between us and the sunset? Could it be the time stamp was wrong and this was a sunrise? It took my loading Google Maps to view Puntarenas to see that it is located in a natural harbor.

About the photo: When this photo was taken, we were transiting the Gulf of Nicoya on our way back out to the ocean. Mystery solved (See Google map above). This image was captured with my Samsung S6 cell phone, aperature set at f/1.9; 1/1000 sec.; ISO 40. As with all Cellpic Sunday images, the rule is that it must be captured on a mobile device.

John Steiner


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