Weekly Photo Challenge – Oops!

This week, Ben Huberman asks us to share a photo that reflects upon the less-than-perfect… right down to the photographic disaster! You can view the entire challenge post here. I have no shortage of photo disasters, not the least of which is this shot of a revolutionary war re-enactor in Boston, Massachusetts. The crop is too tight, the window is in the way, and it’s also dirty. There are all kinds of technical issues that make the photo a disaster.

However, not to be outdone, the subject is enacting his own Oops! moment. What’s that behind the palm of his hand? You can barely see it in the openings between his fingers. Is that a cell phone? I believe it is!

Oh, snap! I had forgotten from my history books how the revolutionary Americans won the war with  Britain because the soldiers in Her Majesty’s Royal Armies were afflicted with distracted soldiering. Talking on their cell phones when they should be waging war! At least the window pane divider is hiding our soldier subject’s eyes so that his superiors won’t recognize him and possibly prosecute him for dereliction of duty!

John Steiner


    • I understand, Les. It took me awhile to decide to join. Now, though, I look forward to the Friday challenge to see if I have any images that meet the criteria. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my submission.

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