Weekly Photo Challenge – Waiting


Tabuaeran, Republic of Kiribati.

This week, Cheri Lucas Rowlands asks us to share a snapshot that shows a sense of waiting. She writes in part, ” they focus on the moment before the action and capture the anticipation, or the rumination, or the calm before the storm.” You can read her entire challenge post here.

On our first cruise with Norwegian Cruise Lines, our itinerary took us to a small coral atoll in the Pacific. It’s native name is Tabuaeran, however you can find it on the charts as Fanning Island. The snapshot I feature for the challenge this week is of two boys, one of whom is a performer on a stage show put on for the cruise line guests. While he waits to perform, he’s obviously been charged to care for his brother. You can find more photos in a gallery of Fanning Island imagery here.

John Steiner



  1. Great pic! This pic always speaks to me, it’s alive. Living, breathing, picture of people with hopes aspirations and an itinerary. Ya’ know? Real life.

    • I need to get more involved with people photography. Landscapes are fun, but they don’t have the dynamics of people and the wide range of emotions their photographs can elicit.

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