Phoenix, Arizona.
April is a wonderful time to visit the Desert Botanical Gardens in Phoenix. When the Sonoran Desert has received plenty of moisture in the winter months, wildflowers grow abundantly. The Sonoran Desert covers southern Arizona and northern Mexico (with the westernmost section in eastern California.)
What’s nice about the botanical gardens in Phoenix is that even when the winter is dry and flowers are not at all plentiful in the wild, the well cared for plants in the botanical garden receive the water they need to provide plenty of those beautiful spring blossoms.
In April 2021, we visited the gardens with visiting family to share the beauty of the desert spring. As usual, I took my “real” camera, either my Sony or Nikon, but I also am on the lookout for interesting images for my cell phone.
About the photo: This beautiful collection of pastel yellow flowers was just “begging” to be included in a Cellpic Sunday feature. Those delicate blossoms hide the prickly nature of those pancake-shaped branches. After exposure and downloading to my desktop, I processed the image in Adobe Lightroom and Luminar Neo. Click on the image to pixel peep in 2K HD on my Flickr site and see the image metadata.
For more images of those spring wildflowers, check out my first visit to the gardens here or here.
I encourage fellow bloggers to create their own Cellpic Sunday posts. I never have a specific topic for this feature, and the only rules are that the photo must be captured with a cell phone, iPad, or another mobile device… If you have an image from a drone or even a dashcam, that’s acceptable as well. The second rule is to link your challenge response to this post or leave a comment here with a link to your post in the comment.
John Steiner
[…] Hi all 😃 This is my latest post for John’s Cellpic Sunday. […]
Those look so thin & delicate, beautiful 😃 here’s mine: https://jezbraithwaite.blog/2022/07/17/uncooperative-bee-cellpic-sunday/
Thanks, they are indeed the exact opposite of the plant upon which they are attached.
Beautiful. I love the prickly pears and their cousins. Some have found a second home halfway across the world in India, where they grow wild.
From me today, some food from the edges of Tibetan plateau:
Those flowers are so beautiful and seem somewhat out of place on that prickly plant!
They are. The prickly pear is an enigma, so ugly yet such beautiful flowers. A couple of weeks ago, we sampled a salad that included parts of the prickly pear “leaves.” Quite tasty.
Nice capture. It always amazes me that cacti can have such beautiful blossoms.
Indeed, so many varieties have thin petals, the pastel colors often in magenta or yellow.
[…] Here is my entry for John’s from Journeys From Johnbo blog, Cellpic Sunday. […]
[…] John is the host of Cellpic Sunday […]
Very pretty on that prickly stem!
Pretty blossoms on an ugly plant. >grin<
[…] took this picture of her All Dressed Up rose for Journey’s by Johnbo’s Cellpic Sunday. Joining the challenge is easy: just post any picture from your cell, ipad, or mobile […]
Another picture of my backyard rose, All Dressed Up:
All dressed with pink accents! 🙂
[…] My entry for Cellpic Sunday […]
Beautiful pic.
[…] Joining Cellpic Sunday the basic requirement is to post a photo taken with a cell phone, which is every photo I post. For today I want to share an iPhone lesson on adjusting the light. Two images of the same thing: first one just a snap shot, the second I tapped the screen and adjusted the light with the little sun that shows up. Move your finger up and down to change the light. Takes practice but the sure makes a big difference in photo quality. […]
Beautiful cactus flower 😀
Thanks, Cee!
Cacti often have such lovely flowers hiding their sharp nature.
That is so true, Janet!
[…] Shared with #CellpicSunday. […]
John, Beautiful flowers. The petals look almost see-through. Here’s my entry for Cellpic Sunday this week:
Thanks, Natalie! Love your iceberg photos. I tried to leave a comment on your site, but had some issues. Not sure if it worked or not.
[…] https://photobyjohnbo.wordpress.com/2022/07/17/cellpic-sunday-246/ […]
Love the crispness and the colour.
The timing in my comment says it’s 4.46 am.
Your timing is supposed to be approx 12 hrs behind my local time.
Instead it says you are 5 hour behind.
Just curious.
It’s nearer to european time zone.
Just digressing, my apologies.
I think I have an answer to that. My WordPress site is set to Coordinated Universal Time (GMT). That puts the site time in Europe. I set my posts to publish at 7:07 AM in WordPress. They publish automatically at 2:07 AM local time here (Central Daylight time zone) or 1:07 AM Central Standard Time in the winter. No specific reason for the 7-minute offset… just because, I guess. >grin<
Thank you John for the information and explanation.
Very kind of you.
Thanks, Philo. Desert flowers are so often pastel, yet bright. I know that seems to be an oxymoron, but that’s the way I see them. 🙂
You are right Mr John.
I feel same when I see desert roses.
Thank you.
[…] July 18, 2022 Written by onemillionphotographsPied Piper on the Oregon Coast […]
I love eating what comes after the flowers, but oh how you need to be careful of those tiny thorns!
[…] This post is part of John.S’s Cellpic Sunday […]
Love the details and colors. Beautiful image, John.
Thanks, Amy!
[…] Posted for John’s Cellpic Sunday […]
Lovely, John.
Here’s mine:
I hope to see some blue skies and plenty of ocean views in the next couple of weeks on our way to Alaska!
Please, do share!
Will do!
Beautiful blooms! They look so delicate.
They are as delicate as they look, but watch out for those thorns!
[…] Cellpic Sunday Jul 17, 2022: […]