Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #219 – Treasure Hunt

Don’t leave home without your pet parrot.

This week Tina asks us to go on a treasure hunt. She gave us a list of items in “scavenger hunt” fashion to find in our gallery or to go out and create. She writes, “Thanks so much for hanging in there with me! As the challenge host I wanted to include images for all of the treasure objects. Rest assured you can do one, many or all of the objects in the treasure hunt, which are listed below.

She goes on to list her challenge items. Since I will be submitting an image for each challenge item, I will identify the category for each photo as I go along. One day, about 5 years ago, I stopped at Costco to pick up a few items and ran into a gentleman who took his parrot along shopping with him. In my opening photo, item one, “Pet” was checked off the list.

The supermoon from 2015.

The second category is “The moon or the sun”. In 2015, I spent some time photographing the supermoon in the fall of the year. I have plenty of sunrise and sunset photos, but none of both in the same image (no extra credit for that option for me.)

A view of the Na Pali Coast on the island of Kauai, Hawaii.

It was a sunny day in 2013 when we journeyed on a dinner cruise to the northwestern corner of Kauai and the all but impenetrable Na Pali Coast. As it happened, clouds covered the coast, and moisture in the air created a rainbow that added to the image.

Reflections on the Red River of the North.

I have some interesting images of reflections in glass buildings and many reflections in the still waters of lakes, but one of my favorites is close to home. On a windless day in 2020, our trip to Orchard Glen Park allowed me to capture the reflection of the shoreline on the Red River. People who know the river can understand how rare the conditions which allowed me to capture such a quiet scene.

A child (with extra credit.)

Here a mom and her son are both enjoying a day at the park. They are flying a model aircraft, one of the older styles that don’t have radio control. That handle they are holding is attached to control wires that allow the operator to fly the aircraft in a large circle. Clearly, mom and son are having a great time. The extra credit is for including other family members in the image.

A crowded day at the beach.

In previous challenges, I’ve shared a different image from Grand Turk Island that features umbrellas, the treasure in this challenge. This is a different viewpoint from another section of that crowded beach. Needless to say, we decided to headed past the beach and walked around the much less crowded shopping area.

Antique fire truck.

High on a mountain in Arizona, the most vertical city in the country is Jerome, Arizona. On the day of our visit, an antique fire truck was on display for tourists to see. I am claiming the extra credit for showing what the truck is hauling, a fire hose.

An autumn day in Fargo (with another “moon shot.”)

In early October 2017, as I left home to run an errand, I noticed the moon was still visible in the western sky, and the trees in our neighborhood were displaying their autumn colors. This image fits two categories, Autumn and Moon.

Just for fun.

Tina’s final category is “Something fun you found on a walk.” In June of 2021, a couple of traveling artists stopped in Fargo to create a postcard for their Greetings Tour. For several years, they traveled the country painting these postcard murals in different cities. The artists were well on their way to finishing their work and were apparently taking a break. I captured some images of the progress on the mural and captured this image of two people admiring the artwork as they strolled by with their pet dog. Oh, and this is another image that fits in two categories, “Just for fun” and “A pet”.

Thanks, Tina, for a fun challenge. I’d like to see more of these “scavenger hunt” challenges in the future. If you’d like to join in on the challenges, you can find out the details about joining here.

John Steiner


  1. You’ve certainly nailed this challenge John, with a great set of images to match each object in the hunt. My favourite is the rainbow over Kauai, but I had to smile at the man with the parrot, especially as he’s dressed in the same colours as his pet 🙂 Like you I’d love to see more of these challenges!

  2. Oh, you did what we in Sweden call “full pot”, nailed them all. My favourite must be the first one, the guy with the parrot in the shop. I have seen many dogs and cats matching their owner, but never a parrot!

  3. Terrific as always John – not sure how I missed this one!! Loved them all but especially: of course the guy who takes his parrot shopping! and that glorious landscape in Hawaii. for some reason the antique firetruck also caught my fancy😊. Excellent choices all, and several extra credits – worthless but still nice to have LOL.

  4. Nicely done. The rainbow is a great capture. The quiet of the Red River is fantastic. An oasis to view and when you say windless, I do know in ND that in itself is a gift. A beautiful photo. The Grand Turk Island? Brilliant colors and interesting to watch. Like you photos are enough.I love the Fargo mural.

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