Lens-Artists Photo Challenge – In the Neighborhood

This week, Ann-Christine asks us to feature images from our neighborhood, leaving the term with enough ambiguity for me to decide how large our neighborhood is. I’ve elected to choose items and places within 10-minutes of our home. The opening image, for example, is the depot clock in front of the former passenger depot in downtown Fargo.

She writes in her post, “Here are some suggestions to get you on track for Found in the Neighborhood: What makes this place (thing, person, pet…) what it is? How can I look at the everyday from a new perspective? Try organizing a creative stilleben you have never seen before! Details might reveal new worlds, or maybe you just noticed a new or redecorated house nearby?” You can find her original challenge post here.

Near the old depot clock, Island Park becons on a late spring day. What better way to spend the afternoon than to sit on the park bench and enjoy watching the kids playing on the park equipment? Unfortunately, with the pandemic, that equipment is now cordoned off. Someday, hopefully soon, it will be open, and we will once again hear the sounds of children playing.

Crossing those railroad tracks in back of the old train depot will put you in downtown Fargo where the historic Fargo Theater still shows classic movies (except for right now, during the pandemic, anyway.) We will look forward to going to the theater again, hopefully soon, and after the show, we’ll step across the street and visit Sammy’s Pizza, a family business started in the 1950’s in Minnesota’s iron range. The franchise has grown to 15 locations around the upper midwest, each owned by a friend or family member of the original Sam Perrella and family.

About two miles (3.2 km) east of our house is Lindenwood Park. The pedestrian lift bridge spans the Red River of the North. Visitors to the park can cross the bridge and visit Gooseberry Park in Moorhead, Minnesota. The river marks the state boundary between North Dakota and Minnesota.

I conclude this post with an image from my drone captured above Woodbury Park, about two miles (3.2 km) south of our house. It features the I-29/I-94 interchange stack. I-94 westbound passes through Bismarck on its way westward to Billings, Montana, and it’s the major route to Minneapolis and points east to just north of Detroit, Michigan. I-29 starts at the Canadian border in Pembina and travels south to Kansas City, Missouri.

Thanks to Ann-Christine for suggesting that it’s a good time to share images of our own neighborhood. As usual, I end with the comment that most browsers will allow you to click on an image for a closer view.

John Steiner


  1. Lovely images, John. Good idea expanding the neighborhood so as to suit you! I do love that depot clock. The bridge is constructed with two towers – what are they used for?

    • In the spring, the river often floods to well over 35 feet (10.7 m) in depth at Fargo. In the photo, the depth is probably around its summer average of 14 feet (4.3 m) or so. In the fall, just before the river surface freezes, the bridge is lifted to the top of those two towers to protect it from being washed away in the spring thaw.

  2. Great shots John. I love the clock with flags behind. Interesting pedestrian bridge. We saw some canal-spanning bridges in the Netherlands like that. One got jammed in an up position, blocking traffic and requiring 24/7 emergency work. Love the drone shot too. That must be fun. Love the POV with drones.

  3. Beautiful photo selections of your neighborhood, John. It’s nice to sit on the bench to enjoy watching kids play… The night shot is incredible. Great capture above the Woodbury Park.

  4. A fun visit to your neighborhood come to life John! Looks like you’ve chosen a wonderful location in which to settle although I know you typically go to AZ for the winter. Will you stay in Fargo this year? How’s the virus spread there, is it lower than most of the bigger cities? I do love that little bench in the park and can imagine whiling away the hours as the children play nearby!

    • Last week we arrived in Arizona for the winter. North Dakota is currently number 1 in per capita Covid cases in the country, and our county, Cass, is at the top of that heap. We are quite happy we can spend the next few months in Arizona, and maybe when we return, we will have vaccines available in our state.

      We love North Dakota, but right now, its fiercely independent populace is probably fueling the virus spread.

      • Oh dear, that’s not good news. Glad you’re in AZ and I”m sure enjoying lovely weather as we are here in Kiawah. My brother and his family are down there from COLO for the winter as well.

  5. Nice post. As an FAA certified drone operator and arguably talented photographer, I’m in the process of building my website.

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