Cellpic Sunday – 5 May 2019

Cartagena, Colombia.

The walled city of Cartagena, our last excursion stop before arriving in Miami, was founded in 1543. By the end of the 16th century, the city was surrounded by a wall as it became a trade center and a target for pirates. Though the walled city is still surrounded with the fortifications built then, many openings have since been created to support the free flow of the over a million inhabitants of the city, not to mention the thousands of tourists who visit each year.

These days, a significant number of residents live in the Bocagrande section of the city. This upscale neighborhood also contains the most expensive and exclusive hotels in the city. This part of the city is certainly high end where skyscrapers line the “Playa de Bocagrande”, a long, thin beach area. The largest skyscraper hotels are found near the beach. For those who want a ‘beach experience’, Bocagrande is the place to visit. The history and culture of old Cartagena, though, is found in the architecture, narrow streets, and historical sites of the walled portion of the city. From personal experience riding a large tour bus, the traffic in mid-day Cartagena can only be described as “impossible and impassible.”

About the photo: Two images were necessary to capture the entirety of Bocagrande. This panoramic image came from my Samsung S6 cellphone, the images merged via Adobe Lightroom’s Panorama mode and then transferred to Aurora 2019 for final processing. In most browsers, you can click on the image to enlarge it for a better view. The rule for Cellpic Sunday is simple, the image must be captured on a mobile device.

John Steiner


  1. great pic! It looks way more developed than the picture I had in my head… Which stems entirely from the movie Romancing the Stone…

    • The old city is every bit what I recall from the movie from the old fort to the walls surrounding the city. Bocagrande, however, is an entirely different animal. We only visited the old city. Next time, if there is one, we will have to check out the high rise section of town.

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