Lens-Artists Challenge #242 – New Experiences

Mindelo, Cape Verde

This week, Anne tells of a treasured trip to Australia and asks us to share some of our own. You can read her challenge post here.

As this is being written, we are in Cape Verde on a Transatlantic cruise. Today, we will be sightseeing on the island nation of about 600,000 people, but this new experience for us started over a week ago as we landed via airplane in Rio de Janeiro.

Jesus, the Redeemer

Our stay in Rio was our first trip to Brazil, and we made the most of our two days before boarding the Norwegian Star. Our first stop was atop the peak where the iconic statue of Jesus overlooks the city.

Ipanema Beach.

Of course, we visited the famous Ipanema Beach before boarding the ship for our trip across the Atlantic Ocean to Barcelona.

Mindelo from above.

We rode a small tour bus to the top of a nearby mountain in Cape Verde. The ship overshadows everything else in the city. One of 10 islands, the country became independent from Portugal in 1975.

Due to my small Internet access package of about 20 minutes per day, I have to sign off for this week. Thanks to Anne for a challenge theme that fit our current travel so well.

The photos included here are minimally processed with my cell phone editor. Feel free to comment, I will read and respond when we return home in early April.

John Steiner


  1. Good to see your trip has started so well 🙂 We visited Cape Verde some years ago but didn’t get to Mindelo, so I’ll be interested to see more photos once you’re home and can post ‘properly’!

  2. You brought back a lot of memories from last year. We loved our time in Rio. We stayed in Ipanema Beach. And now you’re cruising to Barcelona 😮 Amazing 🙌

  3. Ipanema beach at sunset, I remember those delicious moments when the warmth of the sun becomes a caress, when the crowds gathered on the beach applaud the last beam.

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