Cellpic Sunday – 27 June 2021

Fargo, North Dakota.

There is an ongoing mobile public art project in Fargo this week. The artists that created the Greetings Tour have been traveling the country since 2015 visiting cities and leaving classic postcard style art on public walls throughout the country. This week they are in Fargo and are scheduled to finish their public art mural on the 30th of June.

Muralist Victor Ving and photographer Lisa Beggs lived full time on the road for 5 years and are now based out of Southern California while still touring part-time. They are almost 50% complete with 24 states featuring over 50 murals in meeting their goal of at least one mural in each of the 50 states. You can read more about the couple and their project here. Twitter users can also search for @greetingstour to see images of their murals completed as they travel.

As always, this post is an invitation for others to feature their own #CellpicSunday Challenge images. I am also entering this post as a challenge-response to Marsha Ingrao and Cee Neuner’s Photographing Public Art Challenge #PPAC. Cee’s latest challenge post is here.

About the photo: This image was captured on Thursday, June 24. I captured several photos with my Samsung S20U, but my favorite turned out to be the one where two women were walking by their heads turned to enjoy the up-close look at the work in progress. Their presence and the back end of the artist’s camper van help to scale the size of the mural. The photo was imported into Adobe Lightroom and then into Luminar AI for final processing.

Click on the image above to view the 108MP version of the image on my Flickr account. From there you will click two levels of zoom to get a better view of the details painted in the letters. The letter “F” in the mural features the marque of the historic Fargo Theater. The “R” features a view of the Veterans Memorial Bridge crossing the Red River of the North. The “G” features the former passenger train depot in downtown Fargo and a Burlington Northern train engine.

I encourage fellow bloggers to create their own Cellpic Sunday posts. I never have a specific topic for this feature, and the only rules are that the photo must be captured with a cell phone, iPad, or another mobile device… If you have an image from a drone, that’s acceptable as well. The second rule is to link your challenge-response to this post or leave a comment here with a link to your post in the comment.

John Steiner

POSTSCRIPT: After this post was published, the mural was finished. Here’s what the finished project looks like. Again, feel free to click on the link to view it enlarged via my Flickr album.


  1. Great timing – I too prefer to take photos of street art that include passers by reacting to it, like this 🙂 I guess you’re still waiting to find out what the A will feature?

    • We saw a snap on Facebook Friday morning and the “A” was completely finished. They must have started pretty early Friday morning to have completely finished that letter. I think the dedication is today. In the next day or so, I’ll try to stop by and capture the completed image and add it to the post.

  2. John, this is the perfect choice for PPAC #2. What happened to the A? Is it blank, or am I blind? What a great project that Victor Ving and photographer Lisa Beggs are doing. I’m going to check their site next. 🙂 Thanks for joining in PPAC. I will join in Cellpic Sunday next week after my life calms down. 🙂

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