Cellpic Sunday – 14 February 2016

Mazatlan, Mexico.

Today’s Cellpic Sunday celebrates Valentine’s Day. One year ago today, my wife, Lynn and I arrived in Mazatlan to help our daughter-in-law’s parents celebrate their 40th anniversary. Our son and daughter-in-law and her immediate family members made the trip as well. When we arrived, it was cloudy with occasional light rain. That, however, didn’t stop people from enjoying the warm weather and a refreshing dip in the pool.

I must admit that today’s photo was prompted by a memory from Facebook. I was searching my cellphone directory for recent cellphone pics to edit and got distracted with a Facebook message. Going off task, I scrolled through the newsfeed to be reminded of the one-year-ago memory, this shot of the pool area at Hotel Playa. Mazatlan is one of our favorite places to vacation (yes, retired people take vacations!) You can view many more photos of Mazatlan via several posts in my travel blog. Use the Search dialog to search for Mazatlan and several articles will appear. The photo above was taken with my Samsung S6 and edited with Snapseed on my iPad.

The rule for Cellpic Sunday is simple, the photo must be taken and edited on a mobile device.

Happy Valentine’s Day to those who celebrate it.

John Steiner


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