Cellpic Sunday – 4 October 2015


Lake Itasca Minnesota

Sunset on the lake. Headwaters of the mighty Mississippi River. The mighty river begins its 2552 mile (4104 km) journey to the Gulf of Mexico. Taken with my Samsung S6, edited with Snapseed. The rule for cellpic Sunday is simple, the photo must be taken and edited on a mobile device.

John Steiner


    • I am continually amazed at the quality of images from the newer cell phones and other mobile devices. It is no wonder that the inexpensive point and shoot camera is not selling well. Of course, i will take credit for the composition. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.

    • I picked a great evening and morning for photos in the park. It is often calm in the morning, but not so much in the evenings. The only thing missing is inclusion of the sun itself, which by this time was well behind the forest of trees. 🙂

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